Revolutionizing the way you study Scripture

Cokesbury Online Resources introduces online biblical reference resources. The iPreach Bible Reference Tools for Pastors and Teachers places at your fingertips a comprehensive collection of tools for the study of Scripture. Online access to these outstanding collections allows you to expand the horizons of your research for sermon preparation and Bible study.

It's midnight, but the library is always open

You've got a Bible study to lead; you've got a sermon to prepare. The books on your shelf are good, but there just aren't enough of them, and finding exactly what you need can be a difficult job. You need the best contemporary resources for the study of Scripture, and you need them now. The iPreach Bible Reference Tools offers you anytime, anywhere access to the best in biblical commentaries, dictionaries, and other reference resources.

Will it break the bank?

It would if you paid for all of the individual volumes in The iPreach Bible Reference Tools in their original print editions. But for a fraction of the cost of buying these resources in print, you can have access to them anytime you need.

More than just a collection

The powerful search capabilities allow you to find materials using key terms, themes, Scripture references, liturgical Sundays, and so forth. The electronic format makes it simple to import text directly into your word-processor and to integrate your sermon, worship, and teaching preparation with your other online research.

Resources you trust

The materials on other websites are often out-of-date or come from sources with which you're not familiar. The iPreach Bible Reference Tools draw from proven, reliable sources. In the collections you will find authors such as Walter Brueggemann and Fred Craddock; the complete twelve volume series of The New Interpreter's Bible, thirty-four volumes of Interpretation: A New Commentary for Teaching and Preaching, and Proclamation; and publishers such as Abingdon Press, Westminster John Knox Press, Augsburg Fortress Press, Herald Press, and Chalice Press.

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